Tuesday 24 November 2009

Radio play script Performance Mike

Tom- Bob ( Acting role) (Assisting with Music and special effects)

Ryan- Chris and Gordon (Acting role) (Assisting with Music and special effects)

Clare- Narrator (Speaking role) (Assisting with Music and special effects)

Setting the Scene:

The three of them meet up in Bexleyheath and greet each other before getting on the bus to Bluewater

Here we have Bob who works in Sports Direct Say hi Bob- Hello and here we have two people that works in a banking firm Chris, say hello Chris- Hey, and here we have Gordon, Gordon say hello- Alright?

Tom- Bob ( or Bobby as nickname)

Ryan- Gordon ( or Gordon as a nickname) and Chris

Clare- Narrator

Gordon and Chris walking towards the bus stop in Bexleyheath town centre to meet Chris's friend from secondary school Bobby and now is waiting for a bus going to Bluewater, and here comes the 96 bus going to Bluewater, the three friends get on the bus and their journey to Bluewater begins......

Bobby: So Chris how have You been? It has been long since we have seen each other.

Chris: Yeah I know erm I have not been too bad Thanks, how about yourself? oh just before I forget Gordo this is my long time friend Bob or just call him Bobby he likes to be called that God knows why.

Bobby: Hey.

Gordo: Hey.

Bobby: So how do you two know each other?

Chris: We work in the same company.

Gordo: Yeah and guess who has to train him?

Chris: Train if you mean by just sitting there all day and doing nothing then yeah we could more or less call that training.

Bobby: So it looks like you two have fun at work?

Gordo: Yeah you could say that.

Chris: Maybe, how your job going?

Bobby: It's going ok I guess can't complain.

Gordo: Where about do you work then?

Bobby: I work at Sports Direct in Crayford.

Scene; It is now halfway through their journey and now discussing on what they are going to be doing over Christmas?

Gordo: So Bob, anything planned for Christmas?

Bobby: The usual as every year, with Family and Christmas dinner.

Chris: Me and Gordo are going away on a Ski trip on behalf of the Bank.

Bobby: That sounds cool.

Narrator: Now the bus has arrived to Bluewater, the three friends are preparing to get off the bus, and begin walking to the building, and are now standing inside the building.

Bobby: So where do we start?

Diary 16\12\2009

We need some sound effects for tomorrow's Recording, and we need to improvise some more lines to add into the script. I will possibly have to do two voices if Clare doesn't show up, and the two voices need to be different!


Just before Christmas in the last week of term, we completed the script and we finished the recording, I ended up doing two voices and we used a Glockenspiel as a kind of jingle for an announcement to be made inside the Shopping Centre. If we want to, we now have the option to do a second recording and redo everything such as voices, sound effects, dialogue if we want to.

I thought that the recording went quite well, although it took a few takes to actually pull off because of some laughter, however I thought that the voice acting was strong, but there wasn't a lot of music throughout the play, only a Xylophone used as a brief jingle. This time it would be good to have some music to set the scene as a sort of introduction and maybe have some at the end to close out the play. It would also make it more interesting and it would be different with music added in.

I play a character called Bobby who is quite down to earth and easy to talk to and he is exactly like this in the scene. He was born in London, is obviously a male, quite tall, dark hair, and has quite smart clothing. He is quite big and admits he needs to lose weight, he is quite well educated, he received quite good Gcse's and is currently training in a business firm in London.

He has a Girlfriend, and in the future he hopes to get married, and hopes to do well in his job, earn decent money and be able to support his Family.

I also voice another character, this is just an announcement voice inside the Shopping centre, telling the Shoppers about a special surprise, it is just an American accent.

Monday 23 November 2009

Brian Animation

Recently over the last two weeks we have started a new unit with Brian which is Animation. We have been starting off with simple animations on a program called Flash. It is an Animation program which a lot of people haven't used before, we started off making a shape such as a Circle or a Square then making them move. I created a Blue square and made a oval shape using the oval tool on Flash, I made it Green and put it inside the square and then made what is called a Motion Tween and made the oval shape move to the top of the screen and then go back to the centre, and if You keep pressing Enter it will keep doing the animation over and over again.

Brian has told us that soon we will be doing an animation with sound, it might have something to do with the work we have already done for Mike on Logic.

So far, the Flash program looks quite difficult to use, and I have played around with it a few times and was having difficulty, but Brian said we would be able to get the hang of it after a while.

This follows on from the first unit we did, which was choosing a particular topic that You were interested in, and then going out to take Pictures of whatever it was that You chose. Then we were going to edit and animate the pictures.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Music research Mike

Music research

Dynamics and Accents in Music

In Music, Dynamics refer to the Volume of a Note or Sound, but can also refer to every aspect of the execution of a Piece which has been given, either Stylistic, which is Staccato, Legato Etc, or Functional (Velocity).

There are two basic Dynamic indications in Music which are:

P which stands for Piano, meaning soft.

F which stands for Forte, meaning loud or strong, it also can mean deep.

More subtle degrees of loudness or softness are indicated by:

MP standing for Mezzo- Piano which means moderately soft,

MF standing for Mezzo- Forte, which means moderately loud

Beyond F and P also there is,

FF, which means very loud, and stands for Fortissimo,

PP, which means very soft, and stands for Pianissimo

Words/phrases indicating changes of dynamics

(In Italian unless otherwise indicated)

  • al niente: to nothing; fade to silence
  • calando: becoming smaller
  • crescendo: becoming louder
  • da niente: from nothing; out of silence
  • decrescendo or diminuendo: becoming softer
  • in rilievo: in relief (French en dehors: outwards); indicates that a particular instrument or part is to play louder than the others so as to stand out over the ensemble. In the circle of Arnold Schoenborg, this expression had been replaced by the letter "H" (for German, "Hauptstimme"), with an added horizontal line at the letter's top, pointing to the right, the end of this passage to be marked by the symbol " ".
  • perdendo or perdendosi: losing volume, fading into nothing, dying away
  • morendo: dying away (may also indicate a tempo change)
  • marcato: stressed, pronounced

In Music, Articulation refers to the direction or performance technique which affects the transition or continuity on single note or between multiple notes or sounds.

There are many different kinds of articulation, each having a different effect on how the note is played. Some articulation marks include the slur, phrase mark, staccato, staccatissimo, accent, sforzando, rinforzando, and legato. Each articulation is represented by a different symbol placed above or below the note (depending on its position on the staff).

Woodwind and brass instruments generally articulate by tonguing, the use of the tongue to break the airflow into the instrument. Stringed instruments use different bowing techniques to achieve different articulations.

When staccato marks are combined with a slur, the result is portato, also known as articulated legato. Tenuto markings under a slur are called (for bowed strings) hook bows. This name is also less commonly applied to staccato or martellato (martelé) markings.

Music Information Mike

Rhythm is any measured movement or flow, and the variation and accentuation of a series of events such as a series of sounds.

Notation is a system that using written symbols, represents perceived Music.

Pitch represents the perceived frequency of a Sound, it is one of the three main attributes of auditory Sounds, the other two are Loudness and Tibre.

Scales, The Major Scale is made up of Seven distinct Notes, you can include an Eighth which Duplicates the first an Octave higher. In Music Theory, the simplest Major Scale to write or Play on a Piano is C Major, because it is the only Major Scale to not require Sharps and Flats, only the White Keys on a Piano Keyboard.

Minor Scale is a Diatonic Scale, the White notes of a Keyboard give a Major Scale from C to C.

The Semitone is the smallest Musical Interval between two notes on a Keyboard.

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Frank Mandy Artefacts Unit Review

When we joined the College, the first unit we were set for Frank and Mandy was Artefacts, we researched what is an Artefact? What were examples of Artefacts?

The first task we were set was to create a Cd Cover. To get some ideas, we had to pick Four examples of Cd Covers that we like, and get examples of the
sort of Fans and People that listened to that particular band, for example Younger People wouldn't listen to Spandau Ballet, that would be for Adults and older Person, however younger People would listen to Maximo Park and for instance Kings of Leon. Then I would look at the Covers and start to get ideas about what I was going to do for My Cover. I based the Cover on the name of a Band I am currently in, Only for the Weekend. Also before I chose My Cd cover, I did four rough drafts of Cd Covers and then I had to pick one that I wanted to improve on.

I didn't copy the idea but I took the basics of it and I had finished the front Cover.

Here is an example of My front cover

Here is an example of my back cover:

Here is an example of My spine cover:

Tuesday 10 November 2009

New unit for Frank and Mandy, Scene creating a Leaflet

We are starting a New Unit called Scene, and today we have been researching Activities and things that are going on in the Local Area, I live in Eltham and receive a weekly copy of the News Shopper.

Here is the Website to have a Look at the Website and some of the Activities on offer

This involves comparing what there is to do in Local surrounding areas for 14-19 year olds, and what there is to do in the Southbank, by looking at it there isn't a lot of difference between the Two.

In My local area's, I have chosen to do the O2 and look at what there is to do there. Inside the O2, there are restaurants, clubs, a news-agent, and further down inside the building they always have a different thing You can do depending on the time of Year, i.e in the Summer they have a beach, and in the Winter, they will have an ice rink.

Yesterday, the College took a trip to the Southbank to see what activities there was for 14-19 Year olds, I picked up some leaflets while I was there, these are of the few that I picked up, the National Theatre, a Leaflet called Experience London which tells You all the best Places to go and see around London, some of these Leaflets were picked from Charing Cross Station.

Today (27'th November) in Mandy's double lesson, we had a speaker come in to talk to us. He was a journalist from the Observer which is the sister paper of the Guardian.

His name was Paul, and he told us all about his job as a Sub editor, his job is to basically make sure the articles flow nicely, that they fit on the page well enough. He also makes sure that the text is even and has been justified. The newspaper is always working frantically in order to meet deadlines.

In College and non newspaper People call it a text but in the Newspaper industry it is called a copy.

He was telling us about what he exactly does for the Newspaper , he writes a monthly article for the newspaper, he interviews a Celebrity every month about their likes and dislikes of Music, he also contributes on a monthly basis to the sport section of the newspaper.

He also told us that with these newspapers you must give a FLAVOUR of the promotion, but do not give too much away otherwise it spoils it for the readers and People that are generally interested in that particular article.

He did a Journalism course at the National College of Printing in Elephant and Castle, he didn't have a contract but at the same time he was working for Magazines, if You didn't work You didn't get Paid.

He was telling us where he worked at a Magazine called Sounds, another one called Echoes and he has now worked for the Guardian for Five Years, also he was telling us that You have to have online skills, because some of the articles are now being written online and the Journalism industry is changing so drastically. However it opens up plenty of different opportunities for new things.

They also have very strict rules about deadlines as do many other places away from Newspaper publications, even if You miss one deadline if can effect the whole publication because then it will have to be left blank, if You miss one deadline it's a telling off, but if You miss more than one then You run a serious risk of being terminated from the company.

In the Red pages, Paul was telling us that a interview with a celebrity could potentially boost your reputation, and then more "Celebrities" will want to have the interview with the publication.

On Monday in Mandy's lesson, we made four rough designs of leaflets. We had four pieces of Paper and we folded them in different ways to get different layouts and then we had to choose one that was going to be our final design and then we made it rough on a seperate piece of paper. On the paper, we wrote on it where certain things were going to go, i.e Logo on front, map on back, ect, then we swapped with the person next to us and we wrote comments on the work to say what is needed, e.g. Pictures, Colour, if a section has been left out.

On Tuesday in Frank's lesson, I began the rough process of beginning my leaflet, here is the front page of it:

Welcome to Southbank

Example Poll - Would my guide attract 16-19s to London's South Bank for Creative Media Activities and Events?

This is an example of a Poll that could be taken to have Leaflets evaluated by others to see what they think of the general appeal of it, if they think the tone and images are great, are okay or not good and need some development.

I have now completed three activities on the Leaflet: London Eye, National Theatre, and the Aquarium, and am in the middle of doing a Fourth activity which is the London Imax Cinema and I have done a page promoting a made-up event on the Southbank.

Monday 9 November 2009

Unit 2- Radio Play Performance Planning 10/11/09 Mike

The other People in My Group are:

Ryan Acting/ Music/Sound effects
Clare Producing/Directing/ Assisting with Music/ Sound effects
Maisie Possible Acting Role if she comes in/ Assisting with Music/ Sound effects
Tom Acting/ Assisting with Music/ Sound effects

At least two People in the group have to act, and we have decided that everyone is going to get involved with the Music/ Sound effects.

The Scene which we might do is a Party, or a scene on the way to a Party. We have had a Discussion and might now do a College Scene. All of three of us in the group are coming up with individual ideas of what to do, and when we have finished we will look at them and decide which one has the best plot, scene, setting, and then we will go along with that idea. Of course neither of these two ideas are happening anymore, as we are now doing a scene on a bus on the way to Bluewater.

The Opening scene will entail opening Music effects for the Title Sequence, but we are going to have the Credits along with the Music. The opening Scene, is now going to be getting on a Bus going to Bluewater, the original opening scene was going to be walking down a Corridor going into a Classroom, that was for the College scene, and the scene which we discussed but never got around to actually planning was a Party scene. That was the very first thing we did before the College scene.

Next Lesson we need to Develop more of the Scene, and get the other Two People involved in the creative process of making the Scene. Another idea that needs to be decided is the idea of when and where the scene is going to take place. It is a College scene, but is it going to take place inside College? A Classroom? Canteen? At Lunchtime? Outside College? As mentioned a few times above, we have chosen our scene.

Today (17'th November) we are continuing with the Radio Play, and carrying on with building the storyline for our Scenario.

In the start of the play, walking towards the Bus Stop discussing what happened at the Weekend. There will be sound effects needed for traffic, cars etc.

My character will be a 19 Year old called Bob. He is down to Earth, quite normal and he has a full time job at Sports Direct.

Ryan will be playing up to three different characters. His first Character will be someone called Chris. He is 20 Years old, and has a full time job at a banking firm, he is also playing a second character called Gordon who is 23 years old and he works alongside Chris at the bank, and he is accompanying Chris and Bob to Bluewater to do Christmas Shopping.

Today (19'th November) we talked more in depth about the Radio Play, more about the Scene, who is doing what?, what Characters will be used?

Today (23'rd November) I had to do some of the planning on My own, because for today's lesson Ryan and Clare didn't come in, the aim of today's lesson was to begin writing the script, unfortunately that is going to be difficult as I am the only Person in My group who showed up, so I won't start the Script until Ryan and Clare are back in, but I will start a rough draft of the basics of what will be said.

We have talked a little bit in the last lesson how the Script will start, when we are on the Bus maybe talking about the Weekend, How it went?, What happened, Who went?. Maybe something happens on the Bus? Before getting on the Bus? After getting off the Bus? Anything interesting happen to one of the characters? Anything interesting happen to someone else?

What Sound effects are required? People talking? Engine? Speaker telling You the stop?
Today (24'th November) there was only two of us (Tom and Ryan) in the group, so we were told by Mike that today we have to begin getting involved in writing the script.

The play will have a beginning, middle and end part to it.

Beginning: The three friends are walking towards the bus stop, and they are discussing what they will do at the weekend, they are meeting up because they haven't seen each other since Secondary School.

Middle: They are getting on the Bus from Bexleyheath to Bluewater,they get on the bus and begin talking about what they are doing at Christmas, i.e going away, with Family. Sound effects for the bus journey to make it seem like it is a legitimate bus journey.

End: Bluewater approaches as they begin to disembark from the bus and start walking through Marks and Spencer and then get inside to decide where they are going to first. Sound effects of People in the background talking.


Tuesday 3 November 2009

Batman Work completed on 23'rd Last Week before Half Term

In the final Week before Half Term, I more or less completed the Batman Work, and also finished the seperate Motif which was then added into the actual Batman theme, and I just basically finished off the Batman Theme, and I just Saved it into My File on Logic so that it could be viewed and assessed on. Overall, I think that My Piece of Music is decent enough, the old Piece of Music was too in Your Face, and the start of this Piece started off like that, so I changed it to make it less like that. I added in My Piano Melody/Motif and that gave it a bit more of an atmosphere, and also just changed the complexion of the Song. The Song might have been a bit boring without the Piano Melody added in.

Monday 2 November 2009

Evaluation of Unit 4- Creating a Record 2'nd and 3'rd November

Unit 4 Record - Creating a Record

The Evaluation

1. The Batman character seems quite Dark, Mellow, Keeps to himself, You can tell that when he enters that is what the Atmosphere is like, it is not a usual atmosphere it is different, although he appears Dark that doesn't make him a Evil Character, Batman is a Good Character he just isn't a typical good Character, he isn't Happy, Upbeat.

2. The Sounds and Musical ideas that I have chosen to begin My piece of Work, I used a Steinway Piano to do a seperate Piece of Music from the Song, the Piano was used to do something called a Motif, which was then added to the actual Piece of Music. For the Piece of Music, the Instruments that I used were: Church Choir, Flute Organ, Motown Bass, Harp, and the Steinway Piano moulded in from the Motif. There some ideas that I initially rejected, for example I did choose a Studio Tight Kit, although it did sound good, it didn't really fit into the Atmosphere of the task. I also tried a Violin, but didn't like the sound of it.

3. The Choices that I made to develop My Music as the Credits begin and end. It begins Mellowly, then the Piano Motif comes in about halfway through, and then there is a Mellow Flute Part that You can hear throughout, and it is a Mellow Fadeout to the Piece of Music.
I did have an original Piece of Music completed but felt it was too upbeat and in your face.

4. I Created My Batman Theme with different Notes, and there are Intervals in the Music, when the Flute which is playing throughout the Song stops, there is about a 3-4 Second Stop before it starts, a brief Interval after the Flute Finishes.

5. At the end when the Gotham City Scene begins, You can hear the Piano fade out and are just left with the Flute playing in the background. The Church Choir is only used once for a brief moment at the start.

6. I would have differently developed maybe one of the Instruments, changed the sound around a bit, moved some of the sounds across, make them come in earlier or later, shorten or lengthen some of the sounds? Removed a Sound? Replaced it with something? Swapped around the instruments? Added in any Instruments, gone back to original ideas.

Thursday 15 October 2009

Work for Brian

The Pictures that I need to take are of Charlton Athletic Football Ground. However I will need to ring up the Ground and ask for Permission to go in and take some Pictures, I need to say I am a Student at Christ the King College: St Mary's in Sidcup, they might let Me but I will probably have to be Supervised as I take the Pictures around the Ground.

Information about Records, jobs in the Music Industry

Definition of a Record- This is a Type of Media that enables Communication with other People through a variety of different ways.

There are different Ways that make Communication possible, Videos are a type of communication, as are Dvd's, Tapes, Records, and social Networking sites such as Facebook and Myspace, however this is an Online type of communication, Telephone's and Mobile Phones which is probably the most Popular and easiest way to Communicate, Texting (Another easy and Popular way to Communicate), Paintings which is a Visual way to Communicate, a Record Player, which is an Audio way to Communicate, Talking which is an obvious form of Communication, Books and Magazines another form of Visual Communication.

They all have a useful Purpose however, for Example, Books and Magazines can be helpful in Presentations and Discussions, The Internet and Social networking sites such as Facebook for Audio visual purposes, this would also work for Record Players and Telephones,.

Also Newspapers are helpful, because they can be used as Braille for the Blind. this helps to record and communicate better, as well as Interact better.

Paintings are also a good type of Record, because they get across a Visual Message, and it is a strong Visual Message.

Mobile Phones which are trying to Promote the make of the Phone, i.e, Sony Ericsson, Samsung, or the Company, Orange, O2, Vodafone, Virgin, T-Mobile and so on.

The most obvious form of Record is just simply talking. This is a Visual and Audio Visual piece of Record.

There are a few more types of Record, such as Cartoons, which puts across a message for Children, Game Software, which allows us to Play it. Lastly, Morse Code to interact with People who speak different Languages.

Creating a Record

Phonograph- Thomas Edison was the first person to conceive the idea of recording and reproducing sound between May and July 1877, this was a byproduct to "playback" recorded telegraph and automated speech sounds for transmission by telephone. He announced his invention of the Phonograph on 21'st November 1877, and he demonstrated it on the 29'th November. This was a good and very popular way of recording sound, introduced in the 1870's. It was popular well into the 20'th Century, and especially throughout the 30's, 40's and 50's.
They were still popular through the early and mid 80's, even when the Compact Disc (CD) was introduced in 1982. However by the late 80's into the early 90's, the CD was beginning to take off and the Internet was having it's foundations, the phonograph or record player was slowly decreasing in popularity, however there are still some people that have them and buy them in today's society.

Home Phonograph- More or less the same as a Phonograph, except that it is kept at home.

Gramophone- The Gramophone had it's origins in 1857, created by a Frenchman Edouard Leon Scott. Scott's invention came before Edison's, the only difference being that Scott's couldn't play back human recordings where Edison's could. However Scott's was able to play back after a while.

You can hear some recordings here. This is the first ever known recordings of human voice dating back to 1860. http://www.firstsounds.org/sounds/scott.php

Shellac Record Player- The Shellac Record Player had it's foundations in about the 1920's. The Shellac records are very easily damaged and must be handled very carefully. Breakages were very easily managed in the "Shellac Era". The pieces will remain loose but can stay connected together by the label, however there is a loud "pop" whenever this happens.

Modern Record Player- The Record Player has changed significantly over the years, a modern day record player, can play records and Cd's, a 2000's Dj has one of these. It is very high tech and a good piece of technology.

Open Reel Tape Recorder- The open Reel Tape Recorder was launched in the 1930's, however the name for it didn't arise until the early 1960's. Throughout the 40's, 50's and 60's, it was quite popular, and were used for storing data on mainframe computers and video tape machines .

Multitrack Recorder- Multitrack recording is used to record several different pieces of Music. This is popularly used when Bands record Music. For instance, the Guitar part, then the Drumming, then the singing etc.

Audio Cassette- The Audio Cassette was introduced in late 1992, but it was discontinued in October 1996 after the creators Philips and Matsushita admitted that it had sold quite poorly and it was losing to the Minidisc.

Digital Audio Tape- The Digital Audio Tape (DAT) was developed by Sony and introduced in 1987. When looking at it, it is similar in appearance to a Compact Audio Cassette. It uses 4mm magnetic tape enclosed in a protective shell but it is about half the size. A Compact Audio Cassette can be recorded on both sides where the DAT cannot.

Compact Disc- The Compact Disc was introduced in October 1982, however it wasn't until 1988 that the CD really became popular. By this time (1988), the Records and Vinyl's were losing popularity, and by 1991 the CD was at such popularity that Vinyl's basically went into existence although they were still available.

MP3- The predecessor of the Digital audio player (MP3) was the portable CD player. The world's first mass produced hardware was released in 1997. A second portable MP3 digital audio player known as the Rio PMP300 was released in Mid September 1998. In October 2001, Apple introduced the first generation IPod, and in July 2002 the second generation update to the IPod was released.

This is for the University work

Monday 12 October 2009

Batman Work 12'th October Mike

Today ( 13'th October) I was Playing about with the new Keyboard that came, and was testing out Sounds, and just making adjustments and adding more to the current piece of Work. Also seeing if any other Instruments would fit the piece of Music.

Today (19'th October) I created a Motif to go over the Top of My piece of Music, which also sets the Background, I have used a Piano as My Instrument and created a short Melody.

Today ( 20'th October) I continued working on the Motif for the Batman Theme, and made a short Melody to fit into the actual Intro to Batman.

Friday 9 October 2009

Continuing Developing Cd Cover Ideas 9'th October 2009, Frank's Work, Mandy's Work

I need to clear up some things to do with my work before Next Week's Presentation which everyone has to make to the Class. For the Cd Cover I have to decide on a Band, Singer (Which can be myself if I want) and a Genre of Music that they will be performing for example, Rock, Indie, Pop, R@B, and so on. Also think of a Name for the Album that will go with the Artists.

I can use Names for the Music that are real or made up.

I have a Name for the Band which is Only for the Weekend which is a Band I am currently in.

The Music is going to be Indie, Pop, maybe also Soft Rock. There will be cover versions as well as Made up Songs. However, a name for the Album still needs to be decided. It might have something to do with Weekdays seeing as the Band name revolves around the Weekend.

I am now looking at the finishing touches on the Research before I can begin to Plan the Cd Cover, which I have already started I have a rough idea, with a Picture of the back Cover and front Cover, as well as the Sleeve in a previous Post that I have done, where I have written what I have done previously done along with the Pictures of the Covers and Sleeve.

I am now in the Process of nearly finishing the Front Cover and will shortly move onto the back.

Thursday 8 October 2009

Batman Information Mike, Unit 4 Record

I have researched some information about the Batman Film which was made on June 23'rd 1989.
The Film lasts for 126 Minutes, and was created in the United States. The Film was Produced by Four different People, Peter Guber, Jon Peters, Michael Uslan, Benjamin Melniker.
It was directed by Tim Burton. Burton is known for such Films as, Beetlejuice, Batman, Nightmare before Christmas, and Sweeney Todd.
Guber, Peters, and Uslan haven't really made well known Films outside of Batman, however Melniker is famous for Catwoman, he also did National Treasure. Danny Elfman has also done Spiderman, Men in Black, Mission Impossible and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The Film stars Michael Keaton as Batman, Jack Nicholson as the Joker, and also Kim Basinger, Robert Wuhl, and Jack Palance.

In terms of the Music, the Score was written by Danny Elfman, and the Songs were performed by Prince.

A screenplay is a written work especially for a television program or film, they are usually adaptations from their Radio plays or magazine counterpart.

An underscore is generally a piece of background Music. It is a piece of Music that is created for a particular scene or emotion, upbeat, fear, murder, sad, exciting etc.

An Editor is responsible for the editorial parts of the film, publication whatever the thing is.
They determine the final context of the film, newspaper, song and so on.

A Best Boy is an assistant to their department head, they are responsible for the running daily of the lighting equipment, this including hiring and scheduling the crew, loading production lorries and so on.

A Gaffer is an English saying meaning Boss, who is in charge of things, i.e, Sports, Music etc.

A Producer is someone who creates the scenes and the conditions in order to make a Film.
The Producer initiates, supervises and oversees certain matters such as Fund raising and arranging for distributors. The Producer is involved from the development up until the finalization of the project.

A Director directs the making and production of a Film. The Director visualizes the screenplay , and he guides the technical crew and actors through his vision. However in some cases, the Directors do not have complete creative control over the film and script.

A screenwriter is someone who writes screenplays (scripts) for television and films and video games.

Executive Producer is not involved in the film or music process, but is involved in the overall process of the creation.

Talent Manager is the person who guides the Musicians through the stage of their career, help them out

Friday 2 October 2009

Ideas for Creating a Cd Cover, Frank's Work, Mandy's Work

Post some blogs about the Process of Designing a Cd Cover, some Posts describing what it is I am exactly doing. Post some thoughts on the Work that I am doing, how I feel about it? Is it a Challenge?

Also remember the main Points in doing a Post, give it a Title, Main Body, Label, also if necessary post other Teacher's Work.

Also with a Post on the Blog, it doesn't matter how long it is, it can be a Paragraph or even a few Sentences, as long as it includes a Title and a Label.

Here are some Ideas for my Cd Cover, this is the basic Concept of the Cd Cover, a Front Cover which will be something that I choose and will begin Designing in the Lessons. I need to make a Front Cover and Back Cover for the Cd. There will also be a Sleeve to the Cd Cover.

Tuesday 15 September 2009

Frank's Work, Cd Covering!

I have been looking on the Internet for how to design a professional Cd Cover and there isn't a lot, however I found a useful Website on how to make Cd Covers with just uploading a Picture and you can make a Professional Cd Cover.

However there is a better Website that I have found that does actual Professional CD Covers, they cover different types of genres including, Pop, Country/Folk, Hip Hop/ Rap, Rock/Alternative, Soul/R@B and also even Spiritual! Also they include Dvd Covers and I think Videos.

The Link to this Website is........... http://www.cddesign.com/cd-design-portfolio.html

There is another Website that I found which is a good reference to go to when Designing a Cd Cover. It gives you good advice and Tips about the Covers.

There are other useful websites that I have found such as http://www.easycoverdesignpro.com/ It gives you a Detailed Overview and also a Free Trial, it also does Cd and Dvd labels as well as Covers.

This Page shows you how to create a Cd Cover using Microsoft Publisher. A few easy steps in how to do it. http://www.scribd.com/doc/2552874/Creating-a-CD-Cover-Using-Publisher

This Website gives you a Video Instruction of how to create a Cd Cover http://www.ehow.com/video_5306822_create-own-cd-cover.html

Additional Note: There is now a College Blog site, which links all the Blogs together that have been done at Class and at Home. So the Teacher can view the Blogs, and the Students can view each other's Blogs when they want to.

In order to get these results, I typed into Google Professional Cd Covers, at first I typed in How To Get Professional Cd Covers, which gave me limited results. However with the second search I got many more results from the Search and there were more things to look at.