Friday 9 October 2009

Continuing Developing Cd Cover Ideas 9'th October 2009, Frank's Work, Mandy's Work

I need to clear up some things to do with my work before Next Week's Presentation which everyone has to make to the Class. For the Cd Cover I have to decide on a Band, Singer (Which can be myself if I want) and a Genre of Music that they will be performing for example, Rock, Indie, Pop, R@B, and so on. Also think of a Name for the Album that will go with the Artists.

I can use Names for the Music that are real or made up.

I have a Name for the Band which is Only for the Weekend which is a Band I am currently in.

The Music is going to be Indie, Pop, maybe also Soft Rock. There will be cover versions as well as Made up Songs. However, a name for the Album still needs to be decided. It might have something to do with Weekdays seeing as the Band name revolves around the Weekend.

I am now looking at the finishing touches on the Research before I can begin to Plan the Cd Cover, which I have already started I have a rough idea, with a Picture of the back Cover and front Cover, as well as the Sleeve in a previous Post that I have done, where I have written what I have done previously done along with the Pictures of the Covers and Sleeve.

I am now in the Process of nearly finishing the Front Cover and will shortly move onto the back.

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