Friday 2 October 2009

Ideas for Creating a Cd Cover, Frank's Work, Mandy's Work

Post some blogs about the Process of Designing a Cd Cover, some Posts describing what it is I am exactly doing. Post some thoughts on the Work that I am doing, how I feel about it? Is it a Challenge?

Also remember the main Points in doing a Post, give it a Title, Main Body, Label, also if necessary post other Teacher's Work.

Also with a Post on the Blog, it doesn't matter how long it is, it can be a Paragraph or even a few Sentences, as long as it includes a Title and a Label.

Here are some Ideas for my Cd Cover, this is the basic Concept of the Cd Cover, a Front Cover which will be something that I choose and will begin Designing in the Lessons. I need to make a Front Cover and Back Cover for the Cd. There will also be a Sleeve to the Cd Cover.

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