Monday 2 November 2009

Evaluation of Unit 4- Creating a Record 2'nd and 3'rd November

Unit 4 Record - Creating a Record

The Evaluation

1. The Batman character seems quite Dark, Mellow, Keeps to himself, You can tell that when he enters that is what the Atmosphere is like, it is not a usual atmosphere it is different, although he appears Dark that doesn't make him a Evil Character, Batman is a Good Character he just isn't a typical good Character, he isn't Happy, Upbeat.

2. The Sounds and Musical ideas that I have chosen to begin My piece of Work, I used a Steinway Piano to do a seperate Piece of Music from the Song, the Piano was used to do something called a Motif, which was then added to the actual Piece of Music. For the Piece of Music, the Instruments that I used were: Church Choir, Flute Organ, Motown Bass, Harp, and the Steinway Piano moulded in from the Motif. There some ideas that I initially rejected, for example I did choose a Studio Tight Kit, although it did sound good, it didn't really fit into the Atmosphere of the task. I also tried a Violin, but didn't like the sound of it.

3. The Choices that I made to develop My Music as the Credits begin and end. It begins Mellowly, then the Piano Motif comes in about halfway through, and then there is a Mellow Flute Part that You can hear throughout, and it is a Mellow Fadeout to the Piece of Music.
I did have an original Piece of Music completed but felt it was too upbeat and in your face.

4. I Created My Batman Theme with different Notes, and there are Intervals in the Music, when the Flute which is playing throughout the Song stops, there is about a 3-4 Second Stop before it starts, a brief Interval after the Flute Finishes.

5. At the end when the Gotham City Scene begins, You can hear the Piano fade out and are just left with the Flute playing in the background. The Church Choir is only used once for a brief moment at the start.

6. I would have differently developed maybe one of the Instruments, changed the sound around a bit, moved some of the sounds across, make them come in earlier or later, shorten or lengthen some of the sounds? Removed a Sound? Replaced it with something? Swapped around the instruments? Added in any Instruments, gone back to original ideas.

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