Tuesday 24 November 2009

Radio play script Performance Mike

Tom- Bob ( Acting role) (Assisting with Music and special effects)

Ryan- Chris and Gordon (Acting role) (Assisting with Music and special effects)

Clare- Narrator (Speaking role) (Assisting with Music and special effects)

Setting the Scene:

The three of them meet up in Bexleyheath and greet each other before getting on the bus to Bluewater

Here we have Bob who works in Sports Direct Say hi Bob- Hello and here we have two people that works in a banking firm Chris, say hello Chris- Hey, and here we have Gordon, Gordon say hello- Alright?

Tom- Bob ( or Bobby as nickname)

Ryan- Gordon ( or Gordon as a nickname) and Chris

Clare- Narrator

Gordon and Chris walking towards the bus stop in Bexleyheath town centre to meet Chris's friend from secondary school Bobby and now is waiting for a bus going to Bluewater, and here comes the 96 bus going to Bluewater, the three friends get on the bus and their journey to Bluewater begins......

Bobby: So Chris how have You been? It has been long since we have seen each other.

Chris: Yeah I know erm I have not been too bad Thanks, how about yourself? oh just before I forget Gordo this is my long time friend Bob or just call him Bobby he likes to be called that God knows why.

Bobby: Hey.

Gordo: Hey.

Bobby: So how do you two know each other?

Chris: We work in the same company.

Gordo: Yeah and guess who has to train him?

Chris: Train if you mean by just sitting there all day and doing nothing then yeah we could more or less call that training.

Bobby: So it looks like you two have fun at work?

Gordo: Yeah you could say that.

Chris: Maybe, how your job going?

Bobby: It's going ok I guess can't complain.

Gordo: Where about do you work then?

Bobby: I work at Sports Direct in Crayford.

Scene; It is now halfway through their journey and now discussing on what they are going to be doing over Christmas?

Gordo: So Bob, anything planned for Christmas?

Bobby: The usual as every year, with Family and Christmas dinner.

Chris: Me and Gordo are going away on a Ski trip on behalf of the Bank.

Bobby: That sounds cool.

Narrator: Now the bus has arrived to Bluewater, the three friends are preparing to get off the bus, and begin walking to the building, and are now standing inside the building.

Bobby: So where do we start?

Diary 16\12\2009

We need some sound effects for tomorrow's Recording, and we need to improvise some more lines to add into the script. I will possibly have to do two voices if Clare doesn't show up, and the two voices need to be different!


Just before Christmas in the last week of term, we completed the script and we finished the recording, I ended up doing two voices and we used a Glockenspiel as a kind of jingle for an announcement to be made inside the Shopping Centre. If we want to, we now have the option to do a second recording and redo everything such as voices, sound effects, dialogue if we want to.

I thought that the recording went quite well, although it took a few takes to actually pull off because of some laughter, however I thought that the voice acting was strong, but there wasn't a lot of music throughout the play, only a Xylophone used as a brief jingle. This time it would be good to have some music to set the scene as a sort of introduction and maybe have some at the end to close out the play. It would also make it more interesting and it would be different with music added in.

I play a character called Bobby who is quite down to earth and easy to talk to and he is exactly like this in the scene. He was born in London, is obviously a male, quite tall, dark hair, and has quite smart clothing. He is quite big and admits he needs to lose weight, he is quite well educated, he received quite good Gcse's and is currently training in a business firm in London.

He has a Girlfriend, and in the future he hopes to get married, and hopes to do well in his job, earn decent money and be able to support his Family.

I also voice another character, this is just an announcement voice inside the Shopping centre, telling the Shoppers about a special surprise, it is just an American accent.

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