Monday 9 November 2009

Unit 2- Radio Play Performance Planning 10/11/09 Mike

The other People in My Group are:

Ryan Acting/ Music/Sound effects
Clare Producing/Directing/ Assisting with Music/ Sound effects
Maisie Possible Acting Role if she comes in/ Assisting with Music/ Sound effects
Tom Acting/ Assisting with Music/ Sound effects

At least two People in the group have to act, and we have decided that everyone is going to get involved with the Music/ Sound effects.

The Scene which we might do is a Party, or a scene on the way to a Party. We have had a Discussion and might now do a College Scene. All of three of us in the group are coming up with individual ideas of what to do, and when we have finished we will look at them and decide which one has the best plot, scene, setting, and then we will go along with that idea. Of course neither of these two ideas are happening anymore, as we are now doing a scene on a bus on the way to Bluewater.

The Opening scene will entail opening Music effects for the Title Sequence, but we are going to have the Credits along with the Music. The opening Scene, is now going to be getting on a Bus going to Bluewater, the original opening scene was going to be walking down a Corridor going into a Classroom, that was for the College scene, and the scene which we discussed but never got around to actually planning was a Party scene. That was the very first thing we did before the College scene.

Next Lesson we need to Develop more of the Scene, and get the other Two People involved in the creative process of making the Scene. Another idea that needs to be decided is the idea of when and where the scene is going to take place. It is a College scene, but is it going to take place inside College? A Classroom? Canteen? At Lunchtime? Outside College? As mentioned a few times above, we have chosen our scene.

Today (17'th November) we are continuing with the Radio Play, and carrying on with building the storyline for our Scenario.

In the start of the play, walking towards the Bus Stop discussing what happened at the Weekend. There will be sound effects needed for traffic, cars etc.

My character will be a 19 Year old called Bob. He is down to Earth, quite normal and he has a full time job at Sports Direct.

Ryan will be playing up to three different characters. His first Character will be someone called Chris. He is 20 Years old, and has a full time job at a banking firm, he is also playing a second character called Gordon who is 23 years old and he works alongside Chris at the bank, and he is accompanying Chris and Bob to Bluewater to do Christmas Shopping.

Today (19'th November) we talked more in depth about the Radio Play, more about the Scene, who is doing what?, what Characters will be used?

Today (23'rd November) I had to do some of the planning on My own, because for today's lesson Ryan and Clare didn't come in, the aim of today's lesson was to begin writing the script, unfortunately that is going to be difficult as I am the only Person in My group who showed up, so I won't start the Script until Ryan and Clare are back in, but I will start a rough draft of the basics of what will be said.

We have talked a little bit in the last lesson how the Script will start, when we are on the Bus maybe talking about the Weekend, How it went?, What happened, Who went?. Maybe something happens on the Bus? Before getting on the Bus? After getting off the Bus? Anything interesting happen to one of the characters? Anything interesting happen to someone else?

What Sound effects are required? People talking? Engine? Speaker telling You the stop?
Today (24'th November) there was only two of us (Tom and Ryan) in the group, so we were told by Mike that today we have to begin getting involved in writing the script.

The play will have a beginning, middle and end part to it.

Beginning: The three friends are walking towards the bus stop, and they are discussing what they will do at the weekend, they are meeting up because they haven't seen each other since Secondary School.

Middle: They are getting on the Bus from Bexleyheath to Bluewater,they get on the bus and begin talking about what they are doing at Christmas, i.e going away, with Family. Sound effects for the bus journey to make it seem like it is a legitimate bus journey.

End: Bluewater approaches as they begin to disembark from the bus and start walking through Marks and Spencer and then get inside to decide where they are going to first. Sound effects of People in the background talking.


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