Monday 23 November 2009

Brian Animation

Recently over the last two weeks we have started a new unit with Brian which is Animation. We have been starting off with simple animations on a program called Flash. It is an Animation program which a lot of people haven't used before, we started off making a shape such as a Circle or a Square then making them move. I created a Blue square and made a oval shape using the oval tool on Flash, I made it Green and put it inside the square and then made what is called a Motion Tween and made the oval shape move to the top of the screen and then go back to the centre, and if You keep pressing Enter it will keep doing the animation over and over again.

Brian has told us that soon we will be doing an animation with sound, it might have something to do with the work we have already done for Mike on Logic.

So far, the Flash program looks quite difficult to use, and I have played around with it a few times and was having difficulty, but Brian said we would be able to get the hang of it after a while.

This follows on from the first unit we did, which was choosing a particular topic that You were interested in, and then going out to take Pictures of whatever it was that You chose. Then we were going to edit and animate the pictures.

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