Wednesday 18 November 2009

Music Information Mike

Rhythm is any measured movement or flow, and the variation and accentuation of a series of events such as a series of sounds.

Notation is a system that using written symbols, represents perceived Music.

Pitch represents the perceived frequency of a Sound, it is one of the three main attributes of auditory Sounds, the other two are Loudness and Tibre.

Scales, The Major Scale is made up of Seven distinct Notes, you can include an Eighth which Duplicates the first an Octave higher. In Music Theory, the simplest Major Scale to write or Play on a Piano is C Major, because it is the only Major Scale to not require Sharps and Flats, only the White Keys on a Piano Keyboard.

Minor Scale is a Diatonic Scale, the White notes of a Keyboard give a Major Scale from C to C.

The Semitone is the smallest Musical Interval between two notes on a Keyboard.

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