Monday 4 January 2010

Timeline radio trailer Brian

Now that we have finished our radio play, Brian has asked us to produce a 30 second- 1 minute trailer promoting our radio play, using clips from the radio play and Music to go with the trailer, also have to remember not to give too much away.

Some of the clips can come from the beginning and middle of the play, but try not to take it from the end otherwise it can spoil it or give away.

Also there needs to be a Voiceover to guide the listeners or viewers through the trailer and give them the general gist of what is going on. The clips will be from the radio play I have done in lesson with Ryan, maybe as well in the trailer include some Music that is from the actual Radio play so it fits in and gives it a true feel to the people viewing it.

As well as stated before, it is okay to give away little bits but not too much

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