Tuesday 12 January 2010

Campaign- research and preparation for my own Campaign

We have started a new unit for Frank and Mandy called Campaign. So far we have been looking at all different Campaigns that there are, such as Anti Smoking, Drugs, Bullying and Racism and so on. We were set a piece of work where we had to find three different examples of Campaigns. I had two different examples of Campaigns, one was for making a new start for the new year the right way, and the second one was a plea campaign to help the victims of the Haiti Earthquake.
I realised that my third example was actually more of an advert , so I am going to use the anti smoking campaign below as my third example.

This is a campaign I have found online for anti smoking

My other two examples will be done on Paper, one is about starting the New Year in the right way, the actual title of it is: NEW YEAR, NEW START- MAKE A RESOLUTION THAT CAN ACTUALLY CHANGE YOUR LIFE. It is to do with making sure you enter the year with the right qualifications and make sure you are doing something you want to actually do, i.e job, college course, apprenticeship.

The other is to do with the Haiti appeal and it is a campaign of a plea for help to give money towards the Haiti Earthquake and help out the people that are struggling with the aftershock of the quake.

On Friday in Mandy's lesson, we went online and choose another three different Campaigns. My three different campaign were Crime, Drugs and Smoking.

This is my crime campaign:

This is my drugs campaign:

This is my smoking campaign:


Last week ( Week beginning 18'th January) Mandy gave us a booklet which is called 5.1.1
Checklist for analysing campaigns. On the first page, called poster research findings, I wrote about the three campaigns I have done above. We had to fill out a table, giving the name of the campaign, the main message of the poster, who the poster is aimed at, and is the poster effective in getting it's message across?

On the next page there is a campaign analysis, where you name your campaign, and you also have to state the different creative and media forms in the campaign.

And the final section is called campaign research findings, the questions begin to repeat a little bit, the main message of the campaign, who are the target audience for the campaign? The methods that have been used in the campaign, and was the campaign successful?

The Booklet needs to be completed by first day back from Half Term (22'nd February) and every page and section needs to be completed to be able to move on with the Campaign section.

Now (23'rd February) I need to properly kick off the campaign and start it off on Pages. Some information, an Eye-catching headline, some pictures of the campaign to draw attention into it.

The Campaign is going to be Smoking, and I am going to have different sections:
The Effects of Smoking, The Problems with Smoking, Young People Smoking,
The Price of Cigarettes, Smoking in the Past.
Maybe add some Images of the effects that Smoking has on the body.

For example: Here is a Picture of the effects of smoking


Aims of the Campaign- To warn 15-19 year olds about the side effects of Smoking and the effects it can have on the body.

Objectives: To try to get People to think twice about Smoking.
To also inform about the inflated prices of Cigarettes.

I have now started the campaign. I have added a Picture from my original starting smoking campaign, and a picture I have found

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