Thursday 15 October 2009

Work for Brian

The Pictures that I need to take are of Charlton Athletic Football Ground. However I will need to ring up the Ground and ask for Permission to go in and take some Pictures, I need to say I am a Student at Christ the King College: St Mary's in Sidcup, they might let Me but I will probably have to be Supervised as I take the Pictures around the Ground.

Information about Records, jobs in the Music Industry

Definition of a Record- This is a Type of Media that enables Communication with other People through a variety of different ways.

There are different Ways that make Communication possible, Videos are a type of communication, as are Dvd's, Tapes, Records, and social Networking sites such as Facebook and Myspace, however this is an Online type of communication, Telephone's and Mobile Phones which is probably the most Popular and easiest way to Communicate, Texting (Another easy and Popular way to Communicate), Paintings which is a Visual way to Communicate, a Record Player, which is an Audio way to Communicate, Talking which is an obvious form of Communication, Books and Magazines another form of Visual Communication.

They all have a useful Purpose however, for Example, Books and Magazines can be helpful in Presentations and Discussions, The Internet and Social networking sites such as Facebook for Audio visual purposes, this would also work for Record Players and Telephones,.

Also Newspapers are helpful, because they can be used as Braille for the Blind. this helps to record and communicate better, as well as Interact better.

Paintings are also a good type of Record, because they get across a Visual Message, and it is a strong Visual Message.

Mobile Phones which are trying to Promote the make of the Phone, i.e, Sony Ericsson, Samsung, or the Company, Orange, O2, Vodafone, Virgin, T-Mobile and so on.

The most obvious form of Record is just simply talking. This is a Visual and Audio Visual piece of Record.

There are a few more types of Record, such as Cartoons, which puts across a message for Children, Game Software, which allows us to Play it. Lastly, Morse Code to interact with People who speak different Languages.

Creating a Record

Phonograph- Thomas Edison was the first person to conceive the idea of recording and reproducing sound between May and July 1877, this was a byproduct to "playback" recorded telegraph and automated speech sounds for transmission by telephone. He announced his invention of the Phonograph on 21'st November 1877, and he demonstrated it on the 29'th November. This was a good and very popular way of recording sound, introduced in the 1870's. It was popular well into the 20'th Century, and especially throughout the 30's, 40's and 50's.
They were still popular through the early and mid 80's, even when the Compact Disc (CD) was introduced in 1982. However by the late 80's into the early 90's, the CD was beginning to take off and the Internet was having it's foundations, the phonograph or record player was slowly decreasing in popularity, however there are still some people that have them and buy them in today's society.

Home Phonograph- More or less the same as a Phonograph, except that it is kept at home.

Gramophone- The Gramophone had it's origins in 1857, created by a Frenchman Edouard Leon Scott. Scott's invention came before Edison's, the only difference being that Scott's couldn't play back human recordings where Edison's could. However Scott's was able to play back after a while.

You can hear some recordings here. This is the first ever known recordings of human voice dating back to 1860.

Shellac Record Player- The Shellac Record Player had it's foundations in about the 1920's. The Shellac records are very easily damaged and must be handled very carefully. Breakages were very easily managed in the "Shellac Era". The pieces will remain loose but can stay connected together by the label, however there is a loud "pop" whenever this happens.

Modern Record Player- The Record Player has changed significantly over the years, a modern day record player, can play records and Cd's, a 2000's Dj has one of these. It is very high tech and a good piece of technology.

Open Reel Tape Recorder- The open Reel Tape Recorder was launched in the 1930's, however the name for it didn't arise until the early 1960's. Throughout the 40's, 50's and 60's, it was quite popular, and were used for storing data on mainframe computers and video tape machines .

Multitrack Recorder- Multitrack recording is used to record several different pieces of Music. This is popularly used when Bands record Music. For instance, the Guitar part, then the Drumming, then the singing etc.

Audio Cassette- The Audio Cassette was introduced in late 1992, but it was discontinued in October 1996 after the creators Philips and Matsushita admitted that it had sold quite poorly and it was losing to the Minidisc.

Digital Audio Tape- The Digital Audio Tape (DAT) was developed by Sony and introduced in 1987. When looking at it, it is similar in appearance to a Compact Audio Cassette. It uses 4mm magnetic tape enclosed in a protective shell but it is about half the size. A Compact Audio Cassette can be recorded on both sides where the DAT cannot.

Compact Disc- The Compact Disc was introduced in October 1982, however it wasn't until 1988 that the CD really became popular. By this time (1988), the Records and Vinyl's were losing popularity, and by 1991 the CD was at such popularity that Vinyl's basically went into existence although they were still available.

MP3- The predecessor of the Digital audio player (MP3) was the portable CD player. The world's first mass produced hardware was released in 1997. A second portable MP3 digital audio player known as the Rio PMP300 was released in Mid September 1998. In October 2001, Apple introduced the first generation IPod, and in July 2002 the second generation update to the IPod was released.

This is for the University work

Monday 12 October 2009

Batman Work 12'th October Mike

Today ( 13'th October) I was Playing about with the new Keyboard that came, and was testing out Sounds, and just making adjustments and adding more to the current piece of Work. Also seeing if any other Instruments would fit the piece of Music.

Today (19'th October) I created a Motif to go over the Top of My piece of Music, which also sets the Background, I have used a Piano as My Instrument and created a short Melody.

Today ( 20'th October) I continued working on the Motif for the Batman Theme, and made a short Melody to fit into the actual Intro to Batman.

Friday 9 October 2009

Continuing Developing Cd Cover Ideas 9'th October 2009, Frank's Work, Mandy's Work

I need to clear up some things to do with my work before Next Week's Presentation which everyone has to make to the Class. For the Cd Cover I have to decide on a Band, Singer (Which can be myself if I want) and a Genre of Music that they will be performing for example, Rock, Indie, Pop, R@B, and so on. Also think of a Name for the Album that will go with the Artists.

I can use Names for the Music that are real or made up.

I have a Name for the Band which is Only for the Weekend which is a Band I am currently in.

The Music is going to be Indie, Pop, maybe also Soft Rock. There will be cover versions as well as Made up Songs. However, a name for the Album still needs to be decided. It might have something to do with Weekdays seeing as the Band name revolves around the Weekend.

I am now looking at the finishing touches on the Research before I can begin to Plan the Cd Cover, which I have already started I have a rough idea, with a Picture of the back Cover and front Cover, as well as the Sleeve in a previous Post that I have done, where I have written what I have done previously done along with the Pictures of the Covers and Sleeve.

I am now in the Process of nearly finishing the Front Cover and will shortly move onto the back.

Thursday 8 October 2009

Batman Information Mike, Unit 4 Record

I have researched some information about the Batman Film which was made on June 23'rd 1989.
The Film lasts for 126 Minutes, and was created in the United States. The Film was Produced by Four different People, Peter Guber, Jon Peters, Michael Uslan, Benjamin Melniker.
It was directed by Tim Burton. Burton is known for such Films as, Beetlejuice, Batman, Nightmare before Christmas, and Sweeney Todd.
Guber, Peters, and Uslan haven't really made well known Films outside of Batman, however Melniker is famous for Catwoman, he also did National Treasure. Danny Elfman has also done Spiderman, Men in Black, Mission Impossible and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The Film stars Michael Keaton as Batman, Jack Nicholson as the Joker, and also Kim Basinger, Robert Wuhl, and Jack Palance.

In terms of the Music, the Score was written by Danny Elfman, and the Songs were performed by Prince.

A screenplay is a written work especially for a television program or film, they are usually adaptations from their Radio plays or magazine counterpart.

An underscore is generally a piece of background Music. It is a piece of Music that is created for a particular scene or emotion, upbeat, fear, murder, sad, exciting etc.

An Editor is responsible for the editorial parts of the film, publication whatever the thing is.
They determine the final context of the film, newspaper, song and so on.

A Best Boy is an assistant to their department head, they are responsible for the running daily of the lighting equipment, this including hiring and scheduling the crew, loading production lorries and so on.

A Gaffer is an English saying meaning Boss, who is in charge of things, i.e, Sports, Music etc.

A Producer is someone who creates the scenes and the conditions in order to make a Film.
The Producer initiates, supervises and oversees certain matters such as Fund raising and arranging for distributors. The Producer is involved from the development up until the finalization of the project.

A Director directs the making and production of a Film. The Director visualizes the screenplay , and he guides the technical crew and actors through his vision. However in some cases, the Directors do not have complete creative control over the film and script.

A screenwriter is someone who writes screenplays (scripts) for television and films and video games.

Executive Producer is not involved in the film or music process, but is involved in the overall process of the creation.

Talent Manager is the person who guides the Musicians through the stage of their career, help them out

Friday 2 October 2009

Ideas for Creating a Cd Cover, Frank's Work, Mandy's Work

Post some blogs about the Process of Designing a Cd Cover, some Posts describing what it is I am exactly doing. Post some thoughts on the Work that I am doing, how I feel about it? Is it a Challenge?

Also remember the main Points in doing a Post, give it a Title, Main Body, Label, also if necessary post other Teacher's Work.

Also with a Post on the Blog, it doesn't matter how long it is, it can be a Paragraph or even a few Sentences, as long as it includes a Title and a Label.

Here are some Ideas for my Cd Cover, this is the basic Concept of the Cd Cover, a Front Cover which will be something that I choose and will begin Designing in the Lessons. I need to make a Front Cover and Back Cover for the Cd. There will also be a Sleeve to the Cd Cover.